


- Parents need to be fun, enjoy themselves, know how to laugh easily, and share the joyfulness of life and living. Life is nifty, & neat and full of creativity, joy, and love.
FAIR - Fairness requires that rights, privileges, duties, and obligations for self and others are balanced. Fairness is difficult to learn, difficult to teach, and necessary.
FIRM - Being able and willing to take a stand about an issue, for good and healthy reasons, and not back down. This is as opposed to being rigid, unthinking, and not listening to reality or overreacting emotionally. Firm is needed but not always popular in the short run.
FLEXIBLE - Being able to change plans and structure with changing circumstances. Being able to respond to changing needs of self and others. Think before reacting. Discuss with enough words.
FUNCTIONAL - Parents have to stay in touch with the basics of functional thinking, feeling, behavior as well as pay attention to others values. Knee-jerk reactions are not functional. Functionality considers short - medium - long range goals in the process of the over-all situation. The larger picture requires impulse control and self-discipline for other's benefits.

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