Parent to Child communications are either as a real parent to a real child or a grown-up person using their Parent and targeting the Child in another person. One common example:
Most children worry about 3 things:
Anger - Approval - Abandonment.

When we are grown-up we have those same 3 worries inside us. Anger is often the most problematic.

We can defensively deal with our fear by being compliant & fearful
We can defensively deal with our fear by being combative & angry


“You never clean up after yourself!” “Gee I didn’t mean to”
“Why are you always so late?” “I try hard to be on time”
“Why do you always do this to me?” “I’m really very sorry”
“You make me so mad!” “I’ll try harder to be nice”
“You never clean up after yourself!” “Oh yeah, so what !”
“Why are you always so late?” “Bug-off !”
“Why do you always do this to me?” “You do it to me !”
“You make me so mad!” “Tough, live with I !t”

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