Nurture ( nur"ch…r) n. 1. Something that nourishes; sustenance. 2. The act of bringing up. nurturing 1. To nourish; feed. 2. To educate; train. 3. To help grow or develop

Synonyms: nurture cultivate foster nurse The central meaning shared by these verbs is " to promote and sustain the growth and development of ":

Nourish 1. To provide with food or other substances necessary for life and growth; feed. 2. To foster the development of; promote 3. To keep alive; maintain

Encourage 1. To inspire with hope, courage, or confidence; hearten. 2. To give support to 3. To stimulate; spur

Synonyms: encourage animate cheer embolden hearten inspirit The central meaning shared by these verbs is " to impart courage, inspiration, and resolution

Develop 1. To bring from latency to or toward fulfillment: 2. a. To expand or enlarge b. To aid in the growth of; strengthen c. To improve the quality of; refine: 3. a. To cause to become more complex or intricate; add detail and fullness to; elaborate:

Promote 1. a. To raise to a more important or responsible job or rank. 2. To contribute to the progress or growth of; further. 5. To help establish,organize

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