“SPUNKY” is also known as the “Little Professor.” Like a precocious small intellect, the Little Professor will put bits of information, from here and there, and come up with conclusions that don’t always make really good sense to a grown-up.

A child goes with her father to the veterinarian for a check-up for the family cocker spaniel. As she sits in the waiting room she overhears that the dog has a number of problems, including: old-age, failing liver, bad eye-site, cancer, and a poor heart.

The decision by the vet and the father is to put the dog down.

Later in the year the child goes to school and the school nurse determines that she has bad eye-site and needs glasses.

The child goes home, stops eating, shows depression, agitation, and poor concentration.

It is weeks before mother finally finds out that the child concluded that poor eye-site meant that she was going to be “put down.” This process also happens with a lot of more ordinary events.
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